born in hawai'i
made for the world
​​​​At a time when the world could use some extra love, a collaborative project is born, with the hopes of reminding us all to live and share aloha.
ONLY ALOHA by Ink & Tailor
Born and raised in Hawai'i, I was surrounded by aloha without always realizing it. Not only was it the foundation of my kanaka maoli family, but also the foundation of our community. There was an underlying spirit that made people say hello as they passed on the street, that meant a kiss on the cheek as they greeted each other, and that created families, 'ohana, out of communities. It's all I knew. Aloha is widely known to be used as a greeting and a farewell, but means so much more. It means love. Reverence. Respect. Honor. Care. Compassion. Community. There are actually many meanings of the word, but the spirit of Aloha is truly a way of life.
In the fall of 2016 it was made very clear to me that not everyone in the world was raised with Aloha. I had never thought about it that way, but really, it made sense. I saw a lack of respect start to grow between communities. I saw a cultural turn toward anger and fear. I had always begun and ended the day with the mantra "Only light. Only love.", but once I had this realization, my mantra needed to be more-encompassing... "Only Aloha"
ONLY ALOHA incorporates photography, to tell a deeper story. The logo features a grove of hala trees. The hala have been known to represent past and future, ancestors and offspring, with its roots and fronds equally important.
I felt like it was fitting.
My hope is that this project helps remind us all to live, and share aloha, as much as we can, especially now.
- Maya Pueo

It's time to stand up for democracy, for the sake of preserving history and perpetuating a democratic future. Kamala Harris is the person to lead us forward.
The text features an image of a grove of hala trees. Hala has been known to represent past and future, ancestors and offspring, with their roots at important as their fronds. In a time when every decision we make these days will not only affect us, but every future generation, it seemed the right image to incorporate.
A portion of proceeds will be donated to the 2024 Kamala Harris presidential campaign.